List of all Categories

Below is an alphabetical list of all the categorizations of our database. We are also providing a short list of recommended Issues and Tags that are of high importance.

Featured Issues and Tags

  • category logoFeatured Content
  • category logoMinsk Process
  • category logoSelf-determination
  • category logoTerritorial integrity
  • category logoHistory of Artsakh / Karabakh
  • category logoEthnic cleansings & pogroms
  • category logo4-Day War
  • category logoRamil Safarov case

  • All Categories

    category logoIssues

    1. Agression by Azerbaijan (40)
    2. Ceasefire violations (25)
    3. Confidence-building measures (40)
    4. De-facto recognition of NKR (14)
    5. Ethnic cleansings & pogroms (26)
    6. Featured Content (43)
    7. History of Artsakh / Karabakh (22)
    8. History of Karabakh conflict (47)
    9. Human rights in Azerbaijan (38)
    10. Legal aspects (36)
    11. Madrid Principles (or Basic Principles) (20)
    12. Mediation mandates (9)
    13. Minsk Process (41)
    14. Non-use or threat of force (39)
    15. Refugees and IDPs (20)
    16. Self-determination (37)
    17. Territorial integrity (18)
    18. Uncategorized (1)

    category logoSpecific Tags

    1. 3 Helsinki Principles (4)
    2. 4-Day War (12)
    3. 6 L'Aquila elements (2)
    4. Andrei Sakharov (2)
    5. Arms race (1)
    6. Baroness Caroline Cox (2)
    7. BBC (1)
    8. Blockade by Azerbaijan (12)
    9. Ceasefire (1)
    10. Declaration of Independence (6)
    11. ECHR (2)
    12. European Parliament (11)
    13. Khojaly (2)
    14. Maragha warcrime (3)
    15. Massacres in Baku (9)
    16. Massacres in Sumgait (13)
    17. Mechanism of investigating the incidents (17)
    18. NATO (1)
    19. New York Times (6)
    20. Only peaceful settlement through negotiations (35)
    21. Peacekeeping operation (4)
    22. Pogroms in Kirovabad (Ganja) (4)
    23. Prepare populations for peace — not war (6)
    24. Prisoners of war and hostages (3)
    25. Ramil Safarov case (26)
    26. Remedial secession (13)
    27. Stepanakert Airport (1)
    28. Terrorists fighting for Azerbaijan (2)
    29. The Economist (2)
    30. Timeline of events (1)
    31. UN Security Council (5)
    32. Undermined Kazan agreement (6)
    33. Vladimir Kazimirov (2)

    category logoAuthors

    1. Conflict parties (26)
    2. International Organizations (72)
    3. Media (14)
    4. NGO (17)
    5. Scholars / Researchers (21)
    6. USSR / Communist party (2)

    category logoDocument Types

    1. Agreement (1)
    2. Article (3)
    3. Book (14)
    4. Declaration (multilateral) (5)
    5. Domestic Legal Act (8)
    6. Infographic (2)
    7. Judicial Decision (2)
    8. Maps (10)
    9. Op-ed article (17)
    10. Report (6)
    11. Resolution (18)
    12. Statement (55)
    13. Videos (10)