Brief History of Artsakh (Nagorno-Karabakh)

“Brief History of Artsakh (Nagorno-Karabakh)”

MIA Publishers, 2013
By NGO “Against Xenophobia and Violence”

This book briefly reveals the history of Artsakh since the ancient times until the present days. Here you can find both cultural and political aspects of Artsakh’s history.



Artsakh one of the Armenian Provinces
Artsakh’s Medieval Cultural Heritage
Artsakh Miniatures
Artsakh’s (Karabakh’s) Autonomous Status within Persia
Karabakh – A Part of the Russian Empire
The Status of Karabakh after the Collapse of the Russian Empire
The Annexing of Karabakh to Soviet Azerbaijan
The Oppression of Armenians in Azerbaijan and the Fight for Self-Determination
The Republic of Artsakh Today