1544-1545 Münster Map, Tabula Asiae III (Black & Capian Sea Region)

Sebastian Münster (1488–1552). Tabula Asiae III (Black & Capian Sea Region), 1552, Basle. Shows Armenia Maior, Iberia, Albania, Colchis, Porte Albanie, the Euphratis River, the Tigris, Assyriae, and many other place names in the cradle of civilization
Sebastian Münster (1488–1552). Tabula Asiae III (Black & Capian Sea Region), 1552, Basle. Shows Armenia Maior, Iberia, Albania, Colchis, Porte Albanie, the Euphratis River, the Tigris, Assyriae, and many other place names in the cradle of civilization