[European Parliament] Resolution on recent events in Soviet Armenia [Joint resolution replacing Docs. B2-39, 47 and 67/88]

The European Parliament,

A. noting the scale of the mass demonstrations which have taken place in Soviet Armenia and the disturbances in Azarbaijan,

B. noting that these demonstrations took place in the wake of public protests by the Baltic and Tartar peoples,

C. aware that these protests result from the heritage of the past, from unsolved ethnic, cultural, religious and institutional problems and from repression, in some cases brutal, with regard to both individual rights and at national level,

1. States its intention to follow closely the attempts by various peoples in the Soviet Union to assert their identity, their culture and their autonomy;

2. Stresses that no serious attempt by the Soviet Government to implement a programme of economic and administrative reforms can succeed if it fails to take account of the desire for greater political and individual freedom;

3. Calls on the Member States of the European Community to adopt a common stand on these events which might directly concern the European Community;

4. Instructs its President to forward this resolution to the Commission, the Council and the Foreign Ministers meeting in European political cooperation.

Attachment: European Parliament Joint resolution replacing Docs. B2-39, 47 and 67/88